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The Carli Baum Blog



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Hello my friend. This is your weekly invitation to take a moment and tend to your precious mind; the mind that filters and decides the meaning of every circumstance you encounter in life. I hope today's Mindful Monday assists you in ensuring your mind is in its healthiest, most empowered state as you lean into this new week ♥︎.


"What true patience is, is knowing that you want it and knowing that it’s coming and actually enjoying the unfolding along the way. Understand that you never get it done. So you might as well be patient. You never get it done, because every time you want and receive, you also receive a new perspective from which to want. Life is a constant unfolding of new desires and then a constant alignment to those desires."


Are you in an in between space in your life right now? Waiting on certain things to manifest and wishing they were here. right. now? I know the feeling. I'm confident we all do.

I read this beautiful quote last week and I knew I had to share it with you. It is such a profound perspective on patience from one of my favourite authors. The same author that inspired me to write to you previously about why stress is optional.

But back to the quote above. Here is what I take from it and what I'm witnessing in my own life, as I practice it:

When we inhabit a space of peaceful knowing and grateful expectation toward that which we want, the solutions we seek align with that expectant energy. From this space, true patience and enjoyment of the process is possible...even amidst all the unknowns.

I know some may read information like this and think:

"Yeah, but eventually you need to get pragmatic and just get it done already. Get out there, hammer out a solution and/or anxiously await for one to come together. Nothing is guaranteed, life throws you curveballs and you need to be ready to adapt. Sitting around and waiting with a hopeful heart won't solve all your problems."

To them I say, thank you, well-meaning skeptic .... a.k.a. the other part of my brain 😉Those contentions are noted and in response to them, I offer this:

Yes, action is necessary. Along with a clear vision of what you desire as an outcome, action IS NECESSARY. But frantic, doubtful action (via impatience) will cause so much more hardship, wrong turns, delays and concessions!

What I'm leaning into more and more these days, and what the quote above encourages also, is .....

Believe unwaveringly in the outcome you seek.

With trustful patience, delight in watching it materialize from a place of grateful expectation.

And from that space of mind, I promise the actions you take will be in alignment with the energy of the outcome you seek.

The result?

What you desire will come to you with much less struggle and a lot more wonder & gratitude.

Knowing this, I hope you can give yourself the gift of some trustful & soothing patience in your current 'in-between' right now. This week I encourage you to dwell on something you're working toward, delight in the dream of it becoming reality and then experience how much better action feels from a place of unwavering belief and patience in the process.

Sending love to you today and always ♥︎


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