Let’s talk strategy as it pertains to being a creative entrepreneur, running a heartfelt brand.

I’ve had fifteen years experience in small business ownership, sales, brand strategy, digital marketing and web design and during that time, I’ve learned a lot about sustainable business brand strategy.
You all know I love designing beautiful sites for you ;) But I’m hoping to share more than that here in this space. Both as a support to my past, existing and future custom design clients as well as the future clients I look forward to serving with my template shop launching later this year 🎉
I want to share more of what I’ve learned along my business journey to help you show up online with less confusion and more clarity.
I don’t know about you, figuring out how to get your business online successfully can feel fraught with conflicting information. And, at the end of the day, I think a lot of us just want our businesses to show up online the way they *feel* in our hearts.
Oh, and for that business to make us money. Amiright?!
Like you, I’ve hatched the dreams, crunched the numbers, and set off on the impossible-seeming task of launching successful brands with meagre budgets and massive grit & determination.
It is highly likely I understand how much your brand means to you because I feel the same way about mine. And I approach the opportunity of working with you on yours with great respect.
So while I’m working away on beautiful new sites for many of you, in between, I intend to start sharing more of the business know-how that I pour into my designs.
The depth behind the beauty.
I hope it is of service to you as you work so diligently building that heartfelt brand of yours. Here is hoping it helps simplify many of the processes required to present your brand confidently and profitably, with clarity online.

And if you'd like to dive right in, be sure to grab my free workbook Clarify Your Brand Identity right here. This is the exact process I walk my custom design client's through before I build their site.
It provides the essential framework for you to articulate what makes your brand unique within your industry, who your brand serves, which of your offerings you feel most passionately about (and which make you the most money) AND how to present all of this compellingly when it is time to sell.
Click the link below to start now!